Parents FAQ
Parents’ Best Questions and Answers
You can read all the books, blogs and magazines on parenthood and kids you can find. But part of what makes life with kids fun are also all the unexpected things your kids do or say. Discovering what the world looks like through their eyes. Realizing just how little sleep you can survive on. And accepting that soon, there will be SO many crazy and cute questions you won’t know how to answer! We have talked to thousands of parents across the world and compiled answers to some of the questions you ask most.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? If all else fails, use our default answer: “Relax, breathe, count to 10. You’re doing great.
Expectant Parents
I have so many baby names on my list! Any advice on choosing one, or narrowing down my choices?
Choosing a baby name can be tough: Do you go traditional or unconventional? Strongly gendered or gender neutral? Family name or no? Middle name or no? Besides a quick online search (just to make sure the proposed full name doesn’t already belong to say, an infamous historical figure), the only true test of any name is how it makes you feel. Say it out loud, write it down, drop it in conversation with your partner…the right name will feel good on your tongue and in your heart. It’s also okay to wait until you meet your baby to decide!
I’m starting my baby registry. What are some essential tips for putting it together? What does my newborn really need?
Organizing your registry can be really fun. But it can be overwhelming, too. If your store has a checklist, you can start with big-ticket items like furniture (crib, changing table, rocker) and gear (car seat, stroller, playard). If you’re unsure which brands to pick,you’re your other mum friends for recommendations, look up online reviews, and head to stores with floor samples so you can test different models. For instance, you may find the stroller you had your eye on is too heavy for everyday use or won’t fold enough fit in the car. Finally, don’t forget to include everyday essentials, such as diapers and wipes, which can add up over time. Veteran mum friends will happily gift you with these practical daily necessities.
Are baby wipes safe for a newborn? What ingredients should I watch out for?
Baby wipes can certainly be safe for a newborn—but it’s important to choose the right ones. Some wipes contain chemicals, perfume, parabens, and dyes that may not be safe for newborn skin. Parabens, for instance, can mimic hormones and may disrupt development. Perfume, often simply labelled “fragrance,” can irritate sensitive skin. Your best bet: Look for skin-friendly options like Bambo Nature Wet Wipes that have a brief ingredient list (the shorter the better) and ingredients with natural origins (if you’re not sure, look up the company’s website for more detailed explanations of its products).
Should I babyproof our house before the baby’s born, or can I wait until he or she starts crawling?
If you have the time and energy to childproof your home before baby arrives, go for it. But realistically speaking, most parents don’t get around to it until just before their little one goes mobile. What to do: Get on your hands and knees so you can see each room from your baby’s point of view, and remove or secure any hazards they can reach. That includes hanging tablecloths, electrical cords, cords from drapes and blinds, uncovered outlets, unlocked cabinets and drawers, and houseplants.
I’m freaking out about my before-the-baby’s-born checklist! How do I get everything done?
Take three deep breaths – you’re fine! All your baby really needs once he or she arrives is a lot of love. Everything else can be bought, organized, or delegated afterwards if necessary. If you have room in your freezer, you can cook double portions and freeze for later, and most super markets now have high-quality frozen vegetables for easy, healthy meals. Speaking of which, the most important task to complete before your due date is lining up help for the first few weeks after baby’s born. That way, even if you don’t check off everything on your list, you can rely on friends and family to help with cooking, cleaning, and shopping—while you bond with your baby.
Salon blowouts: awesome. Diaper blowouts: not so much. Any advice for avoiding these?
Preventing the dreaded blowout is all about finding the rightsizediaper. Ones that are too tight or too loose can lead to unwanted messes. Sizing charts are based on weight, so it helps to know exactly how much your child weighs. (If you’re unsure, step on a scale while holding your baby and then solo; the difference is your child’s weight.) Some clues to incorrect sizing: blowouts from the back and fasteners that dig into baby’s sides are signs of a too-small diaper; blowouts from the sides and general sagginess are signs of a too-big diaper.
I want my baby and nature to be as chemical-free as possible, but do eco-labeled disposable diapers really work?
Absolutely. Reliable eco-labeled diapers like Bambo Nature Diapers won’t sacrifice strength for safety. That means you can count on maximum protection from leakages. Performance-boosting features include a super absorbent triple layer core, strategic barriers, and flexible side panels that accommodate even the most active baby. Bambo Nature diapers combine effectiveness with materials free of harmful chemicals, perfume, and allergens. The…uh, bottom line: Our safe, eco-labeled disposable diapers get the job done—naturally.
There are soo many diapers out there. How do I choose the best one?
There is a dizzying array of diaper options! Most traditional disposable diapers are made with chemicals that can be harmful and irritating to your baby. Eco-labeled disposable diapers like Bambo Nature Diapers contain no dangerous ingredients, perfume, or known allergens. (Bonus: Diapers made with safe ingredients tend to also be made with responsibly sourced raw materials, so you’re doing the planet a favor, too.) And of course, the diapers should also work. Bambo Nature uses super absorbent materials and flexible leg openings for leakage-proof performance.
Are disposable diapers really safe for my baby?
They sure are—as long as you choose wisely. A traditional disposable diaper may contain chemical ingredients that can be harmful and irritating to your baby. That’s why it’s so important to look for a different kind of diaper: one that’s free of dangerous chemicals, perfume, and all known allergens. Bambo Nature Diapers use safe, skin-friendly ingredients—so you can feel good that you’re ensuring the health and safety of your baby. Oh, and on top of that, our natural materials are responsibly sourced. Win-win.
Is it safe to exercise while I’m pregnant?
It’s always best to check with your doctor, but if you were active before pregnancy, you’ll likely get the ok to continue your workouts—which can help both youandbaby. Kegel exercises will make a world of difference both before, during and after pregnancy. Ask your doctor if you’re not sure what to do – and remember, being able to relax your pelvic muscles is as important as strengthening them. A few caveats: Avoid contact sports and activities involving balance (biking, skiing); don’t perform exercises while lying on your back after the first trimester (the weight of your growing uterus can reduce blood flow); and stop immediately if you feel dizzy or nauseous. If you suddenly feel uncomfortable doing your usual, favorite sports, it’s completely natural. Be open to trying new forms of exercise for a while. As your body recovers after giving birth, you will most likely feel like going back to your normal schedule.
What should I pack in my “go” bag for the hospital? I want to be ready!
Kudos for thinking ahead. It’s smart to pack a bag about a month before your due date with the following: a robe, nightgown, slippers, and underwear (in case you want to ditch the hospital-issued gown, socks, and undies), going-home outfits for baby and you (don’t forget a maternity bra for your newly tender breasts, and depending on how long you stay, you may still need baggy/maternity clothes to wear for some time after giving birth - tight clothes are not your friend), an extra bag (to tote free hospital samples, plus gifts from visitors), and any important paperwork. Also: Don’t forget to install a car seat.
I keep hearing about pregnant women “nesting.” What is this??
Think of a soon-to-be mama bird fluttering here and there, picking up twigs and leaves, readying her nest for her hatchlings. “Nesting” refers to similar activities done by expectant (human) moms before the baby arrives: buying newborn supplies, organizing the nursery, and reading up on infant care. As your due date approaches, you’re probably already doing a lot of these things, and even if you don’t get everything 100% ready, trust that you and your baby will still be fine, and get help from family, friends, and neighbors for the rest.
I think I have pregnancy brain. Is that a real thing?
It’s definitely possible. Anecdotal evidence suggests that moms-to-be feel forgetful and spacey. Research hasn’t shown proof of cognitive deficiencies during pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean you’re making up your “momnesia.” You’re probably busy with preparations for when the baby arrives, stressed with expectations, and short on sleep due to physical discomfort —a combo that can add up to lack of concentration and short-term memory loss for anyone. And there’s some evidence that pregnant women’s brainsarechanging, although not necessarily in ways that would lead to forgetfulness. A recent study found that pregnancy alters areas in the brain that relate to empathy—which may help new moms better understand their babies’ wants and needs.
I’m in my third trimester and am so uncomfortable. What can I do to feel better?
It’s definitely not easy carrying all that extra weight. Your back may be aching because your belly is pulling your spine out of alignment, squeezing your internal organs and pressing on veins and arteries. For relief, apply a heating pad or a cold pack to your lower back, or alternate between the two. A gentle massage can also help. At night, if sleep is fleeting, try a maternity pillow or strategic placement of several regular pillows (don’t forget to put one between your knees). Some women also find it more comfortable to sleep in a recliner towards the end of their pregnancies. Gentle stretching and relaxation can relieve some aches. Listen to your body, and talk to your doctor to make sure you do what’s right for you.
New Parents
Allergies run in my family. Anything I can do to help prevent them in my baby?
You’ll definitely want to ask your pediatrician for personalized advice. But generally speaking, experts recommend breastfeeding for at least four to six months, which may help protect against some allergies and eczema. If nursing isn’t possible, a hypoallergenic formula may help protect a baby at high risk for allergies. If your family history includes food allergies, ask your doctor about when to introduce those foods. Finally, choose skin care products like Bambo Nature that are certified safe and don’t contain harmful chemicals, perfume or color—this can help lower the risk of irritation to baby’s sensitive skin.
How often should I bathe my baby?
It seems like my baby cries all the time. How do I know if it’s colic?
How can I tell if my baby has dry skin or eczema? How can I treat them?
What’s the best use for baby oil?
I think my baby has cradle cap. How can I tell, and what can I do?
My baby hates diaper changes. How can I make them easier?
My baby’s diaper rash is getting ugly. Help!
How can I tell if my newborn’s getting enough breast milk or formula? How often should I feed her?
My newborn’s pretty gassy. What’s the best way to burp baby after a feeding?
When is it safe to start putting lotion on my newborn? Which lotion is best for my baby?
I’ll admit: I’ve never changed a diaper in my life! What should I know about diaper changes?
It seems like all my newborn does is sleep! How much sleep does a baby need?
I’m drowning in baby stuff! Do you have any ideas for organizing all the toys, clothes, and essentials?
I’m a little nervous about going out with my newborn for the first time. Any advice?
I need sleep. Badly! What can I do to help my baby sleep more at night?
Is my post-baby body ever going to look the same again? Be honest.
How do I know if my baby is wearing the right size diaper? I can’t figure it out!
How do I best avoid leakages?
My newborn is so…well, baby soft. How do I take care of that sensitive skin?
What happens if my child accidentally ingests SAP?
The weather is very hot. How can I make my baby comfortable?
How do I protect my baby in the sun?
What kind of sunscreen and SPF should I use for my baby?
How much sunscreen should I use?
What is the difference between sunscreen and sunlotion, and which one should I choose for my baby?
How do I keep my baby hydrated in warm weather?
Should I give my baby diaper-free time when the weather is hot?
We are going on a trip. Any tips for car travelling with a baby in warm weather?
Seasoned Parents
Totally forgot how hard breastfeeding can be. Any new tips to make it a little easier?
When can my child move from a crib to a toddler bed?
How do I know when my baby is ready to transition from diapers to training pants?
How do I juggle an active toddler and a newborn at the same time?
My older child has started acting out since the baby was born. How can I help her adjust to her new sibling?
When should I start setting up playdates for my baby? I want him to feel comfortable socializing with other kids.
Potty training my first child wasn’t easy. Do you have any tips or tricks for successful potty training?
Any tips for a baby and an older child sharing a room?
What’s the latest advice on when to start solid foods, how to introduce them, and what to feed?
What are training pants, and how do you use them?
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How often should I bathe my baby?
There’s no need to bathe your baby every day. Newborns don’t get too dirty (until they start moving around, that is), and frequent bathing can dry out infant skin. A bath every few days is fine, as long as you clean certain areas more often. Wipe your baby’s diaper area at each change. Use a washcloth to rinse their face (especially around the mouth), neck, and hands before bedtime. When you do bathe your newborn, use a mild cleanser like Bambo Nature Hair & Body Wash, which is developed especially for babies’ sensitive skin and contains no perfume or color.
It seems like my baby cries all the time. How do I know if it’s colic?
Although it’s distressing to hear, crying is normal because it’s the only way your newborn can communicate. It may take some trial and error to figure out what your baby is trying to tell you. Chances are, they’re saying “Feed me,” “Hold me,” “Change me,” or “Let me nap!” But if they are crying uncontrollably and nothing helps, it may be colic, which is usually diagnosed if crying persists for at least three hours a day, three days a week, for three weeks or more. No one knows what causes it, and it gradually disappears at three to four months old. Talk to your pediatrician if you’re concerned.
How can I tell if my baby has dry skin or eczema? How can I treat them?
Dry skin and eczema can be tough to tell apart, but there are some tell-tale signs. Dry skin is simply that: dry or even cracked skin that occurs mostly in winter. Eczema is an immune reaction to various triggers and include dryness, heat and sweat, and chemicals in lotions and soaps. Symptoms include patchy red, thick, itchy, and tender skin. In babies, eczema often appears on the face and scalp or in the folds of elbows and knees, and it runs in families with a history of allergies or asthma. To prevent eczema flare-ups, moisturize regularly, especially after bath time, and use skin-friendly products like Bambo Nature, which contain no perfume or color. See your pediatrician for more treatment options.
What’s the best use for baby oil?
Give your little one’s skin a treat by adding baby oil into the bath water or gently rubbing it onto their skin post-bath. Or give your baby a relaxing massage. They’ll love the close physical contact with you, and a little baby oil can smooth the way. It’s a great bonding ritual that’s calming for both of you. For an oil that’s baby-safe and skin-friendly, try Bambo Nature Bath Oil. It’s made with natural and responsibly sourced ingredients that are free of perfume and color. Its gentle, nourishing effect is great for baby’s skin.
I think my baby has cradle cap. How can I tell, and what can I do?
Cradle cap is a common condition that leads to oily, yellow, scaly patches on your newborn’s scalp. It’s not contagious, harmful to your baby, or a sign of bad hygiene. No one knows for sure what causes it, but hormonal changes during pregnancy may lead to a build-up of oil on the scalp. Cradle cap usually clears up on its own within a few months, but if you want to remove the scales, try the following: Gently rub baby’s scalp with a little baby oil to help loosen the scales. (Bambo Nature Bath Oil is a mild, moisturizing formula free of perfume and color) Wait a few minutes, then use a soft-bristled brush to remove the scales. Wash baby’s hair as usual, using a mild shampoo like our Hair & Body Wash. To prevent more scale build-up, wash baby’s hair every few days.
My baby hates diaper changes. How can I make them easier?
Your baby would probably rather be wrapped in a warm blanket or in your arms than exposed to the cold air. To make diaper changes a little more enjoyable, distraction is key. Try the following: Put up a mobile over the changing table; have a small toy ready to play with during changes; make funny faces or sing a special song while you’re changing; or tape some photos of family members on the wall near baby’s head.
My baby’s diaper rash is getting ugly. Help!
No parent wants to see angry red skin during a diaper change. But diaper rash is common because excessive moisture in the area can lead to irritation. To heal the skin, try the following steps at every change: Use gentle wipes, like Bambo Nature Wet Wipes, and gently pat dry or let air dry completely. Then apply a layer of cream, such as the Bambo Nature Soothing Cream, to create a protective barrier on your baby's skin; the layer should create a barrier, but not be too thick to still allow the skin to breathe.
Bambo Nature Body Soothing Cream is dermatologically tested and made from natural and organic ingredients that help shield skin from excessive moisture. Lastly, don’t put the new diaper on too tightly. If the rash doesn’t get better in a few days, or if you see blisters or sores, call your pediatrician.
How can I tell if my newborn’s getting enough breast milk or formula? How often should I feed her?
The proof is in the diapers. If your baby wets six or more diapers a day, they’re probably getting enough to eat. Weight gain is another good sign. In the first week, your baby may lose several ounces of weight, but should rebound to birth weight by the end of the second week and gain steadily after that. A well-fed baby will also appear satisfied for a few hours after a feeding. If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll want to nurse at least eight to 12 times every 24 hours. If you’re formula feeding, most babies drink about four ounces of formula per feeding by the end of the first month. Ask your pediatrician if you are concerned about your baby’s feeding routines.
My newborn’s pretty gassy. What’s the best way to burp baby after a feeding?
Newborns are notoriously gassy—not surprising since they feed around the clock. It helps to burp your baby after every two to three ounces (if you are bottle-feeding), or after switching breasts (if you are breast-feeding). There are two common burping positions: over the shoulder (hold baby upright, facing behind you) and on your lap (sit baby down, leaning forward, and use one of your hands to steady the head). Pat your baby’s back gently for a minute. You can also try massaging their belly (use gentle clockwise motions) or bicycling the legs to move the gas along.
When is it safe to start putting lotion on my newborn? Which lotion is best for my baby?
It’s common for newborns to develop peeling skin for a while as they adjust to the outside world. This won’t bother your baby, but if you want to improve their skin’s appearance, it’s safe to apply lotion as soon as you bring baby home. Just be sure to choose a gentle formula, such as Bambo Nature Body Lotion, which uses skin-friendly ingredients. It’s dermatologically tested and uses pure, natural, and organic ingredients—no perfume or color. Bambo Nature Body Lotion is also eco-labeled, so it’s a responsible choice for the environment and your baby.
I’ll admit: I’ve never changed a diaper in my life! What should I know about diaper changes?
Diaper duty isn’t as terrible as you think. Really. A few things to keep in mind: Before you start, gather all your supplies so you don’t leave baby unattended on the changing table. When you’re cleaning a baby girl’s diaper area, always wipe from front to back so you don’t spread bacteria. (And don’t forget to clean between those chubby thigh folds.) Use diaper cream at each change to help prevent diaper rash. Most importantly, know that practice makes perfect. Since your baby will go through up to 10 diapers a day (!), you’ll get the hang of it in no time.
It seems like all my newborn does is sleep! How much sleep does a baby need?
A lot! Your newborn can sleep up to 17 hours a day. They need all those zzz’s to support rapid growth and development. But sleep doesn’t happen all at once. Since your baby’s stomach is so tiny (about the size of her little fist), frequent feedings are inevitable the first few months. That’s why they wake several times in the middle of the night. Your baby will also take three to four naps during the day. By the time she’s four to 12 months old, your baby may be sleeping 12 to 16 hours total, including two to three naps.
I’m drowning in baby stuff! Do you have any ideas for organizing all the toys, clothes, and essentials?
To avoid clutter chaos, it helps to have a place for everything. Buy baskets for small things, like socks and bibs, and place them in drawers or on shelves. For clothes, maximize space with a double closet rod and hang pairs of matching tops and bottoms together so you can grab entire outfits at once. And take advantage of bottle and diaper organizers. But designating a spot for everything is only half the battle. To truly win the war against clutter, you’ll want to spend 10 minutes daily putting stuff back where it belongs—this will help prevent the slide towards disaster.
I’m a little nervous about going out with my newborn for the first time. Any advice?
Have fun! After being cooped up at home, an outing can be enjoyable for both of you. Of course, you’ll want to be prepared. Start small, like a trip to a nearby park or shop (outside of rush-hour – there’s no need to make it harder on yourself than you have to). Pack diapers and wipes, a change of baby clothes, an extra shirt for you (just in case!), a bottle and formula (if you formula feed), and plastic bags (for dirty diapers and clothes). If you’re heading to a café or restaurant, look for ample room for strollers. The only safety caveat: For the first six weeks, limit close contact with strangers (so your baby’s not exposed to anyone who might be sick). And if you’re meeting friends, ask them to kindly wash their hands before holding baby.
I need sleep. Badly! What can I do to help my baby sleep more at night?
Hang in there! Newborns wake up every few hours because they have tiny stomachs and need frequent small feedings. But by the time they’re 3 to 6 months old, many babies can sleep for up to 8 hours at night. Some helpful tips: Swaddle your baby (it recreates the confinement of the snug womb); establish a bedtime routine (something as simple as bath-feeding-story can help signal that it’s time to sleep); and use a super absorbent diaper, like Bambo Nature’s diaper, to prevent overnight leakages that can wake them up.
Is my post-baby body ever going to look the same again? Be honest.
That’s a tough one to answer, because every mom is different. Some people seem to bounce back to their pre-baby bodies right away (we’re looking at you, celebrities). But in real life, without the help of round-the-clock nannies, personal trainers, and chefs, it’s not so easy. Your belly remains big after birth, because it takes six to eight weeks for your uterus to return to normal size. Once your body’s ready for exercise, moves that strengthen the core can help. The “pooch” can be stubborn and stick around for months, but keep in mind that it took nine months to gain the weight, so it’s perfectly reasonable to take that long—or even longer—to lose it. After all, you’ve got a baby to care for!
How do I know if my baby is wearing the right size diaper? I can’t figure it out!
Most sizing charts rely on weight, but since no two babies are alike, the process can definitely be tricky. What to do? Look for diapers that are intentionally designed to overlap on weight, like the ones from Bambo Nature. We’ve been perfecting our diapers for over 40 years, using feedback from hundreds of parents. If your baby falls between two sizes, consider the smaller size if he’s long and lean, and the larger size if he’s short and stout.
How do I best avoid leakages?
We have been perfecting our diapers for more than 40 years to provide you with world-class leakage protection. However, for our diapers to do their magic there are three important things you need to consider: 1) how you find the right size, 2) how to ensure a tight fit, and 3) how to apply the diaper correctly.
Size is crucial when it comes to avoiding leakages. Children differ in weight and anatomy, and therefore the sizes on our Bambo Nature diaper packagings are meant as guidelines. If your child falls between two sizes, consider the smaller size if your child is long and lean and the larger size if your child is short and stout. If you experience repeated leakages, for instance at night time, a higher absorption may be needed. Try going up a size, but make sure that the diaper is not put on too loose. We recommend using open diapers for your child at night as these can be adjusted to provide a tighter fit for ideal nighttime protection. If your child drinks a lot before bedtime or is very active in their sleep, you can also consider using diapers specifically designed for nighttime protection like our Bambo Dreamy Night Pants.
Tight fit:
Open diapers:
A tight yet flexible fit that surrounds the child’s body perfectly will minimize the risk of leakages. Make sure that the diaper is put on neither too tight nor too loose. If your child has red marks around their thighs when you change the diaper it means that you have put on the diaper too tight.
Are perfect for daytime activities and easy for your child to pull up and down. The pants cannot be tightened with elastic waistbands like the open diapers can, for which reason it is important to find a size that provides a snug fit and absorbs enough. Use the size guide on the packagings or try different sizes to find the right fit.
Open diapers:
Before applying the diaper, make sure that the leakage protectors inside the diaper are “standing up”. Sometimes you need to straighten these before applying the diaper. Furthermore, make sure that the leg cuffs are pulled out around your child’s legs and bottom. Bonus tip: if your child is a boy, make sure that his penis is pointing down before closing the diaper (this goes for pants too!). Otherwise, he might pee out the top or the sides.
Are perfect for potty-training toddlers and can be pulled up and down like normal underwear. Always check that the leg cuffs are pulled out around your child’s legs and bottom.
Experienced parents know that it is almost impossible to avoid leakages 100%. You will almost always experience “in-between moments” where your child falls between two sizes or situations where you have simply put on the diaper wrongly. But if you follow these tips, you will most likely experience fewer leakages.
My newborn is so…well, baby soft. How do I take care of that sensitive skin?
The trick to keeping your baby’s skin so cuddly soft is to use products that are certified skin-safe. Look for ingredients that are lab-tested to be sensitive to fragile newborn skin. At Bambo Nature, we’re committed to developing effective skin care products with your little one’s health and safety in mind. That means our hair & body wash, bath oil, soothing cream and body lotion are free of perfume and color.
What happens if my child accidentally ingests SAP?
SAP is a raw material in the absorbent core of the diaper and it looks like gel-like balls when it absorbs liquid. SAP does not contain harmful substances and our diapers are dermatologically tested, certified with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, and recommended by Asthma-Allergy Nordic.
If you notice gel-like material on your baby’s skin, do not be alarmed. This is SAP that comes from the diaper padding and can easily be removed by wiping your baby’s skin with a soft dry cloth.
If you suspect or know that your child has ingested SAP - even if it is only small amounts – immediately rinse your child’s mouth and always seek medical attention to have your child examined as a precaution.
The weather is very hot. How can I make my baby comfortable?
Babies cannot regulate their own body temperature the same way that adults can. A paddling pool is a great way to keep babies and children cool in hot weather; place the pool in the shade and always supervise children playing in water.
Keep their bedroom cool during the day by closing the curtains or blinds. Only air out the room in the early morning or in the evening, but keep the window closed while your baby is sleeping to avoid a draft. Experts generally recommend an ideal room temperature somewhere between 20 to 22 degrees Celsius or 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. It is also a good idea to keep nightwear and bedclothes to a minimum and use only natural fabrics such as cotton. Watch your baby and listen to your intuition– does your baby kick off the covers during the night and are they hot when they wake up? Consider using no covers and dressing them only in a diaper. You can also use a fan in their room during the night to circulate the air but be sure to aim the fan away from your baby, so there is no draft.
A room thermometer is a great way to keep tabs on the temperature in your baby’s room.
How do I protect my baby in the sun?
Young babies under 6 months should be kept in the shade and not be exposed to direct sunlight at all. Their skin is too delicate and does not contain enough melanin yet; melanin is the pigment that gives hair and eyes their color and provides some protection against the sun’s rays.
Older babies should also be kept out of the sun as much as possible, especially between 11am and 3pm when the sun is at its strongest. Remember to attach a sunshade of some kind to their stroller or pram when going out, use sunhats with a wide brim to protect their head and neck against the sun and cover exposed skin with clothes, preferably airy clothes in natural fabrics such as cotton.
What kind of sunscreen and SPF should I use for my baby?
Choose sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, and make sure that the sunscreen protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Look for sunscreen made especially for babies and children or look for certifications such as the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and Asthma Allergy Nordic; these sunscreens are less likely to contain additives, perfume and color that might irritate the skin. Our Bambo Nature Sunscreen ticks all these boxes and is perfectly safe to use for the entire family.
Remember to reapply sunscreen regularly (one handful to cover the entire body), especially if your child is in and out of the sea or paddling pool. With a water resistant sunscreen your child can bathe for 40 minutes without the protection wearing off, but after 40 minutes the protection is down to around 50%. You should always reapply your sunscreen every 2 hours for optimal protection against sunburn and UV-rays.
How much sunscreen should I use?
When applying sunscreen, one of the most common mistakes is: not applying enough of it. It is generally recommended to use an amount of sunscreen corresponding to a handful to cover the entire body, and this goes for both children and adults.
What is the difference between sunscreen and sunlotion, and which one should I choose for my baby?
The main difference between sunscreen and sunlotion is the texture of the cream. A sunscreen is thicker and often contains a higher lipid content. Sunlotion tends to be lighter and thinner in consistency.
There is no clear winner between the two, since there is no difference in the Sun Protection Factor; an SPF30 is an SPF30. However, not using enough sun protection product is usually the reason for sunburns, and it can be harder to control the exact amount applied when using sunlotion, especially thin sunlotion in a spray bottle. So, it all depends on your preference, but make sure to use the correct amount of cream or lotion (1 handful to cover the entire body), and if you’re in doubt, use more, not less.
How do I keep my baby hydrated in warm weather?
Babies and young children can become ill when the weather is very hot. They are especially prone to heatstroke and dehydration.
Breastfeeding and bottle feeding babies from 0 to 6 months do not need any fluid other than breastmilk/formula, however they might want to feed more than usual during hot weather. Once you have introduced your baby to solid foods, offer them water with their meals, and be prepared to offer them extra water outside mealtimes in very hot weather. However, their main source of liquid until 12 months will still be breastmilk or formula, and the general recommendation is that you should only offer babies under 12 months water or milk, not juice as this can cause tooth decay.
For older children over 12 months, it is important to keep them hydrated with water, and you can also give them fruits, such as watermelon, to keep their fluid levels up. To make water more interesting, try making ice cubes with their favorite fruits. These will keep the water cold and maybe add some flavor from the fruit juice.
Should I give my baby diaper-free time when the weather is hot?
Diaper-free time is important, no matter the season, since diaper-free time helps minimize the risk of diaper rash and skin irritation in the area. During most seasons, a short period of time each day, during bath time or changing time, is enough to allow the skin to breathe. But during summer or very warm weather, your baby can sweat more than usual, especially around the waist and leg area, and diaper-free time becomes even more important to let the skin breathe.
We are going on a trip. Any tips for car travelling with a baby in warm weather?
We all know how warm a car can become on a hot summer’s day, and babies are especially sensitive to extreme temperatures.
One of the most important things to bring in your car when you’re traveling with a baby in the summer is window shades. Babies have sensitive skin, and they should not be sitting in direct sunlight. You can buy net shades with suction cups to attach to the windows, or you can bring a piece of light fabric and pinch it in place at the top with the car window itself. The best thing is to get a screen or film with UV filtration; most car windows do not protect against all UV rays from the sun, and with their delicate and sensitive skin, babies are particularly exposed to the harmful effects of UV rays.
Dress your child in light and airy clothes, preferably cotton, but keep their arms and legs covered to protect them against the sun. If you are afraid of UV damage to your baby’s skin in the car, you can also use sunscreen on exposed areas of skin.
Make sure to open the doors or windows before you get into the car to lower the temperature and use air conditioning to achieve the optimal temperature between 20-22 degrees Celsius, or 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit in the car.
Check the temperature of car seats, seat belts etc. Before placing your baby in the car. Metal clasps and some plastic surfaces can become extremely hot in direct sunlight, and they could possibly burn your baby.
Make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks, both for yourself and your baby.
And finally, never leave your baby unattended in a car in hot weather. Temperatures in a parked car can rise to dangerous levels very quickly, even if it is parked in the shade.
Seasoned Parents
Seasoned Parents
For something so natural, breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally, that’s for sure. If you’re having a tough time getting the proper latch or finding comfortable positions, a lactation consultant can be a huge help. Ask your pediatrician or other mum friends for a recommendation. To boost milk supply, make sure you’re well hydrated, switch breasts at each feeding, and try breast massage. Some mums also swear by eating oatmeal. If you’re pumping, looking at a photo of your baby or listening to a recording of her voice can encourage the let-down reflex.
When can my child move from a crib to a toddler bed?
Most kids switch between 18 months and three years, and it’s usually out of necessity. Your child may start climbing out of the crib (so it becomes a safety hazard to leave them in there), or another baby is due soon (so you need the crib for a younger sibling). When you do make the move, continue your usual bedtime routine and explain that your child should stay in bed until you come for them, or they have to use the bathroom (if it’s potty training time). Calmly lead your child back to bed if they leave, and repeat as necessary until the novelty of getting up fades. Be patient! Keep them safe in the meantime by removing any hazards in the room and installing a safety gate at the door and at the top of the stairs, if you have any in your house.
How do I know when my baby is ready to transition from diapers to training pants?
Follow your child’s lead. It’s potty time when your child exhibits these signs of readiness: They show an interest in the bathroom, gets fussy during diaper changes, pulls at or otherwise signals a dirty diaper, and starts to stay dry for longer periods of time. If your child seems ready, you can transition from diapers to training pants before making the big switch to regular underwear. Bambo Nature Training Pants simplify potty training with a flexible, thin, and easy-to-pull-up-and-down design. Plus they’re skin-friendly and ultra-absorbent.
How do I juggle an active toddler and a newborn at the same time?
Most mums admit it’s not easy, especially at first. It helps to settle into a routine—and then accept the inevitable disruptions to said routine. Other tips: Keep both hands free by carrying baby in a front pack or sling, or put baby in a swing, rocker, or playpen. If possible, set up a toddler-proofed room where your older child can play alone safely. Or set aside a box of engrossing toys that they only play with when you need them occupied as you care for baby. (There’s no shame in DVDs or iPad videos during the short time this lasts!) Most importantly, lower the pressure on yourself. Ask for help, skip the vacuuming, order pizza, and revel in the chaos—and the sweet little moments—that make up life with two young children.
My older child has started acting out since the baby was born. How can I help her adjust to her new sibling?
It’s not easy sharing the spotlight after being an only child. Smooth the transition by setting aside one-on-one time for her. Friends who visit your newborn can also spend time with your older child (and bring a gift for her too) so she doesn’t feel left out. If she regresses (acts like a baby, wants a bottle, has potty accidents), reassure her that she’s still loved. Rather than punish her for acting out, ask her how she’s feeling—and acknowledge those feelings. Give her the attention she’s seeking, and praise her when she acts more grown-up. You might even play up her big sister status and give her special jobs like grabbing clean diapers for the baby. Remind her of the fun things she can do that baby can’t enjoy yet, such as going to pre-school or playing in the park.
When should I start setting up playdates for my baby? I want him to feel comfortable socializing with other kids.
Babies don’t socialize the way older kids do, but many moms schedule play dates anyway becausetheyenjoy the interaction with other parents. Toddlers typically engage in “parallel play,” which means they play near each other—but separately. Truly meaningful interactions can start at two years old, so that’s a good time for play dates. Keep it small and short: one or two other kids, for 60 to 90 minutes. Your child may still act selfishly, refuse to share, and play on his own. That’s totally normal! But hanging out with other children helps lay the foundation for important skills like co-operation and manners. Leave the kids alone so they can learn how to play with each other, but stay close so you can step in if someone gets upset.
Potty training my first child wasn’t easy. Do you have any tips or tricks for successful potty training?
First things first: Make sure your child is ready. Once you’ve determined your child can handle potty training, it helps to offer praise and a small reward (like a sticker) for each successful trip to the potty. Avoid punishing or shaming your child for accidents. If accidents keep happening, try postponing potty training for a few more weeks, or ask your pediatrician. In about 10% of children up to 7 years old, the bladder develops slowly and may need treatment. Give gentle but constant reminders to go to the potty after a meal or before car trips and bedtime. One super helper: Bambo Nature Training Pants, which are easy for little ones to pull up and down but are also absorbent enough to hold 31 ounces of moisture in a 24-hour period—just in case!
Any tips for a baby and an older child sharing a room?
Consistency is key. Continue each child’s bedtime routine as before—perhaps bath, lullaby, and feeding for baby, and a bath, book, and goodnight cuddle for the older sibling. Stagger their bedtimes, with baby going to sleep first so your older child has a little extra time with you. Explain to your older child that you may be coming in and out of the room to feed the baby, but that they can stay in bed. (Young children are heavy sleepers, so it takes a lot to wake them up.) For insurance, use a white noise machine so sudden sounds from either child don’t bother the other. After a period of adjustment, each child should be able to tune out the other’s regular night-time noises. And with time, you’ll find that sharing a room can bring the two closer together.
What’s the latest advice on when to start solid foods, how to introduce them, and what to feed?
Look for signs that your child’s ready for solids. Typically, children will start showing interest in “real” food at four to six months old and be able to sit up with some help, hold their own head steady, and swallow food from a spoon. Stick to thin purees at first, and gradually build up to thicker ones. Infant cereal used to be the standard first food, but mashed fruits and veggies like banana, avocado, and sweet potato are also great starters. Introduce one food at a time, and wait a few days in between so you can watch for any allergic reactions. And if your child turns up their nose at a certain food, try again another day—it can take up to 10 tries before they’ll try something new!
What are training pants, and how do you use them?
Training pants are a lifesaver when your child starts potty training. They’re disposable underwear that can be pulled up and down just like regular underpants but can also absorb moisture in case of accidents. They ease the transition from diapers to big-boy or big-girl underwear. For peace of mind, try Bambo Nature Training Pants, which are eco-labeled and skin-friendly and free of harmful chemicals and known allergens. They can also hold up to 31 ounces of moisture within a 24-hour period—for worry-free protection against those inevitable accidents!